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Ämne: TC Electronics - Future development of the PowerCore platform has been ceased

  1. #1
    hasse_fx är inte uppkopplad
    hasse_fxs avatar

    TC Electronics - Future development of the PowerCore platform has been ceased

    Mail från TC Electronics idag:

    "As part of a larger strategic review, we have decided to cease further development of the PowerCore product range, including hardware units as well as software for the PowerCore platform. With the most recent release of software version 4.0, PowerCore is fully compatible with current operating systems, such as Mac OS X Leopard, Mac OS X Snow Leopard, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, as well as the most popular DAWs - 32 bit and 64 bit.

    We will continue to sell all of the existing PowerCore plug-ins (through dealers and and hardware variants. We will also keep offering user support for the platform so you should be able to continue using your current system for quite a long period. Bugfixes will be handed on a case-by-case basis.

    Also, it is very important to stress that we will continue our general computer recording activities, including audio interfaces and plug-ins.

    Finally, for those of you, who wish to continue using externally powered plug-ins on the long term and want to find an alternative to PowerCore, we have collaborated with Universal Audio in order to create an attractive UAD-2 crossgrade offer. The only condition is that you are new to the UAD platform."

  2. #2

    Trist, men inte särskilt oväntat. Det verkar som det bara är Universal Audio som lyckats få snurr på försäljningen av DSP-baserad mjukvara, nu när till och med Digidesign/Avid släpper native-versioner (dito tex Lexicon, om man ska se till mer klassiska hårdvarutillverkare). Focusrite och SSL verkar inte heller haft några strålande framgångar med konkurrenterna till UAD.

  3. #3
    depulse är inte uppkopplad
    depulses avatar
    Och där sjönk priserna på beggade Powercore kort ännu mer....

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