
Visa fullständig version : Trumskämt

2018-06-01, 19:49
Jag hittade en sån skatt att jag kan inte hålla den från er:

Mike Portnoy

Byt plats på T och N.

2018-06-01, 21:28
Badum tsss!

2018-06-01, 22:00
Fattar inte.. finns väl inga N och T i Mike?!

2018-06-02, 10:04
Jag bytte plats på M och P och skrattade ovbrutet i flera timmar.

2018-06-02, 11:50
försöka att lägg vara. är ner är ett skämt.

Och tack bra jgb.

Men vilka flera kan vi leka fram?

2018-06-02, 12:35
Det är ett bra skämt

Nej, det tyckte jag inte :)

2018-06-02, 12:49
Lägg ner att försöka vara smartare. Det är ett bra skämt.

Och tack jgb.

Men vilka flera kan vi leka fram?

Jokes, by toxin? :)

2018-06-04, 22:54
Jokes, by toxin? :)

Skämt får väl vara så elaka man känner att man pallar som skämtare. Permutationer av själva skämtet har samma krav som alla skämt för att vara roliga.

Gillar man inte porntoys så gör man inte ;)

2019-01-16, 19:25

2019-01-16, 19:36
Jag stalett gäng från musicradar, men de är ju så fina;

How do you tell if the stage is level?
The drummer is drooling from both sides of his mouth.

How can you tell a drummer's at the door?
The knocking speeds up.

What's the last thing a drummer says in a band?
"Hey, how about we try one of my songs?"

An Indian chief and a cavalry captain climb to the top of a tall hill and look out upon the entire Indian tribe. The captain says worriedly, "I don't like the sound of those drums." The chief says, "I know. It's not our regular drummer."

What do you call a drummer that breaks up with his girlfriend?

What do Ginger Baker and black coffee have in common?
They both suck without Cream.

How many drummers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Five: One to screw the bulb in, and four to talk about how much better
Neil Peart could've done it.

An amateur drummer died and went to heaven. He was waiting outside the pearly gates when he heard the most incredible fast and furious drumming coming from within. Immediately he recognized the playing and rushed to ask St. Peter if that was Buddy Rich playing drums inside the gates. St. Peter responded: "No, that's God. He just thinks he's Buddy Rich."

How do you get a drummer off of your porch?
Pay him 10 bucks for the pizza.

Why didn't the Little Drummer Boy get into heaven?
Because he woke up the baby, for Christ's sake!

What do you call a drummer with half a brain?

What does a drummer use for contraception?
His personality.

What do you say to a drummer in a three-piece suit?
"Will the defendant please rise?"

"Hey buddy, how late does the band play?"
"Oh, about half a beat behind the drummer."

Hey, did you hear about the drummer who finished high school?
Me neither.

Why do guitarists put drumsticks on the dash of their car?
So they can park in the handicapped spot.

How is a drum solo like a sneeze?
You know it's coming, but there's nothing you can do about it.

What's the first thing a drummer says when he moves to LA?
"Would you like fries with that, sir?

What is the difference between a drummer and a savings bond?
One will mature and make money.

Why do drummers have lots of kids?
They're not too good at the Rhythm Method.

What do you do if you accidentally run over a drummer?
Back up.

What did the drummer say to the band leader?
"Do you want me to play too fast or too slow?"

Deep in the African jungle, a safari was camped for the night. In the darkness, distant drums began a relentless throbbing that continued until dawn. The safari members were disturbed, but the guide reassured them: "Drums good. When drums stop, very bad." Every night the drumming continued, and every night the guide reiterated, "Drums good. When drums stop, VERY bad." This continues for several days until one morning the drumming suddenly stops and all the natives panic and run screaming. The man asks the guide what's the matter? The guide looking very frightened says: "When drums stop, VERY, VERY bad," he said. "Why is it bad?" asked a member of the safari. "Because when drums stop, bass solo begin!"

2019-01-16, 23:12

Fint och sant :)

2019-02-22, 23:41
Jag bytte plats på M och P och skrattade ovbrutet i flera timmar.

Kime Roptnoy.

Det finns en kategori skämt som är den absolut bästa, alla älskar skämten på fester etc. Jag vet inte varför jag tycker det är kul, finns nog lite av det i oss alla men ingen vill erkänna det.

Men jag måste erkänna att din ordlek var mindre cringe :)

2019-02-23, 08:01
Jokes, by toxin? :)

Du hajjade att "by toxin" är ett anagram av tinybox hoppas jag... annars föll ju det ganska platt inser jag. :D

2019-02-23, 19:28
Du hajjade att "by toxin" är ett anagram av tinybox hoppas jag... annars föll ju det ganska platt inser jag. :D

Jag gör mitt bästa. Ofta mitt sämsta. Men humor subjektivt som det är, verkar som en stor jag-är-smartare-än-du uppdelare. Jag har bara försökt skämta och inte varit allvarlig i denna tråden en enda gång :) Man blir kanske skadad då man befunnit sig i världen lik filmen Whiplash då man var barn.

Undantaget är svaret på Hasse_fx. Det är inte okej.

2019-02-23, 21:07
Whiplash - bra film! Läskig, men bra.

2019-02-24, 14:06

2019-02-24, 14:38


2019-02-28, 19:18
Jag trodde Rhythm wolf var ett kap... hmm... jämfört med detta, som är ren svavelsyra i öronen och en kniv i själen.